Volunteer opportunities are as diverse as people are multifaceted. Freely doing something is the definition of volunteering. This requires giving of your time and sharing something of yourself. What you share can include your skills, relationships, labor, ideas, knowledge, or advocacy. Each action given is the fuel for services provided through Christian Help.
The reasons to volunteer are also unique to each person. The decision to volunteer may begin as a requirement for some, a call to purpose, or as a recommendation to improve networks, skills, or focus for others. No matter the reason, volunteering provides connection to and support of a cause, community, and oneself. We welcome everyone to volunteer, as they are able.
Christian Help responds to situations of emergency and need with dignity and respect through the resources at hand. We are faith in action. Opportunities to be involved can vary based upon your comfort level with others, your availability, and your interests. Some ideas include “hands and feet” for daily operations such as preparing food orders and stocking the Pantry, sorting and organizing Free Store wares, helping Career Closet shoppers find outfits for work or interviews, teaching a life skill class, assisting clients with resume creation, job searches, or online applications. If you enjoy fixing things, working with tools, or cleaning, building care is a great outlet.
Perhaps participation in our annual children’s events – the Prom Pop-Up Shops, Back-to-School shopping, and the Holiday Toy drive and distribution – is of interest to you. Help with registration, steam clean formalwear, assist patrons, sponsor a toy collection site, or be part of Santa’s elves. We need volunteers and collect supplies for these throughout the year!
Virtual and off-site activities can also be very helpful. Set up a linen, small appliance, clothing, or food drive. Sponsor an online or special (car wash, dance, etc.) fundraising event. Involve your church, family, community organization, business, or student group. Many hands make light work.
Studies have confirmed that volunteering is an activity that consistently benefits the person. Volunteer activities aligned to one’s strengths, passions, and energy are most successful. Whatever the mission, volunteering allows you to help and connect with others, benefit a community, build and improve relationships, be a role model for others, learn skills, expand your personal perspective, relax and energize, reduce stress, improve coping and critical thinking skills. Volunteering provides a schedule, accountability, exercise, fun, fulfillment, and a creative outlet for many. Overall, volunteering helps to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.
Practiced volunteers experience a shift to selflessness and generosity, expecting nothing in return – simply experiencing joy in the act. As one of our community partners observed “Volunteering changes the soul.”
To get involved signup online!